Had a really relaxing day off.We took Priscilla to visit the Rock of Gilbralter; she didn´t fancy it there much. The traffic and narrow streets were ridiculously crowded and chaotic; we have definately striked this place of the list of places to live. The whole place is rather strange; a confused mix of English and Spanish with neither doing the job well; and a weird currency to go with it.
The Rock itself was great with views over to Africa. Alas, Steve fell victim to a theft. While eating his favourite brand of ice cream and admiring the views, a monkey ran up his leg and snatched it out of his hand! Cheeky animals are very cute, but do watch your sweet treats when you visit.
Priscilla is running like a dream. Steve was under the car this morning to find the source of a persistant rattle. He spied a loose bolt and replace it with a new one. It has done the trick! Our tickets for the ferry crossing tomorrow have been purchased and we have repacked the car ready for the next stage. We are on the 9am departure from Tarifa and hope to arrive 45min later in Tangiers. The plan is to reach Fes before dark!
We are loving the trip so far!! See you all later.
Oh, we have long run out of Cookie Time cookies! so Andrea, if you could just courier us another supply....
Hi guys, were with you all the way, keep it together Priscilla!!
What's this - some days have passed with no updates??!! Its what is keeping me going through the winter!
There are weather warnings today with lots of snow in London. I think its great fun - the English seem not so sure.
Hope Africa is treating you well and there have been no more monkey related incidents.
Hi guys,
Rebecca have you been teaching the monkey's that trick? The next thing I'll hear is that they are giving Steve tins of sardines!!!!
I am glad you are having great weather, it is snowing here and as usual the whole country has come to a grinding halt!!
Take Care
Sara and Steve X
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